Monday, September 21, 2009
Progress Notes
The Miller County Historical Society was honored last week by the visit of Mr. and Mrs. William Harvey of Indianapolis, Indiana and Dr. Otis Burris of Vancouver, Washington (photo 01).

01 Professor and Mrs. William Harvey and Dr. Otis Burris
Mr. Harvey, a native of Eldon, is Professor Emeritus at the University of Indiana Law School. Dr. Burris, a native of Oklahoma, is a surgeon who practices in Vancouver. The gentlemen are cousins sharing as an ancestor a famous Eldon business man of the past, James S. Franklin. The visit was especially meaningful because these Franklin descendants brought with them as a donation to the museum priceless original portraits of their distinguished ancestors. In the photo Dr. Burris on the right is holding the portrait of James S. Franklin, son of William T. Franklin. In the background are portraits of William T. Franklin on the right and Lucy Brockman Franklin, his wife, on the left. These portraits have been placed on the museum’s “Wall of Patriarchs” to join the portrait of Robert S. Harvey, also recently donated by the Harvey family (photos 02 and 03).

02 Franklin Photos

03 Wall of Patriarchs
The story of the Robert S. Harvey portrait donation was presented in a previous Progress Notes of May 4, 2009.
That portrait was given us by Bill Harvey, the nephew of William Harvey mentioned above (photo 04).

04 Bill Harvey with Portrait of Great Great Uncle R.S. Harvey
Copied below is the letter Professor Harvey wrote to me in June indicating his desire to donate these wonderful additions to our collection of Miller County distinguished citizens of the past:
June 30, 2009
Dear Joe:
Gerry and I have pictures of William T. Franklin and Lucy Brockman Franklin, my great grandparents. They are remarkable in that they are well over 100 years, and are either in oil or water color or something similar.
Their frames are old and remarkable in themselves.
In inches, their frames measure 30 x 26, and the pictures are 16 x 19. Thus, they are large. We believe they should be in your Museum, and we want them there.
William and Lucy were married in Miller County and all of their children were born there. James S. Franklin, and his sister, my grand mother, Nancy Melcena Franklin Harvey are two of their children as you know. They died in Miller County, Missouri in 1902.
They are buried in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, at Mt. Pleasant, MO, about five miles outside Eldon on the Highway to Jefferson City.
Great grandfather Franklin entered the Union Army (the Missouri Regiment) from Miller County, and returned to Miller County after the War.
Their pictures should be returned home, we feel.
They are most impressive, in color, and the frames are very interesting, too.
William Franklin Harvey
William Franklin Harvey is a very well known attorney holding the honorable position of Professor Emeritus at the University of Indiana Law School in Indianapolis. Before retirement from active teaching he was Dean of the School of Law. He is the one who supplied us with the majority of the information we have about his great uncle Robert S. Harvey which was presented earlier this year on our website.
When you refer back to that narrative read once again the very impressive resume’ of Professor Harvey which summarizes his career.
The Franklin connection of the Harvey family is interesting and was discussed in the first website URL cited above. Robert S. Harvey, William’s great uncle, and Nathaniel Edward Harvey, Robert’s brother and William’s grandfather, married two sisters of James S. Franklin. Robert married Mary Cirrelda Franklin and Nathaniel married Nancy Melcena Franklin.
Thus, two Harvey brothers married two Franklin sisters.
Dr. Otis Franklin Burris, who is holding the portrait of James S. Franklin in the above photo, is a general surgeon who was raised in Oklahoma but practices in Vancouver, Washington. His father, Dr. Otis Edgar Burris, was a dentist raised in Miller County but who moved to Oklahoma early in his career. Dr. Otis Edgar Burris married Cirrelda Franklin, daughter of James S. Franklin. Dr. Otis Franklin Burris, even though he lived far away in the state of Washington, returned to Miller County annually to join his father and others of the many Miller County Burris family members for the annual Burris reunion. Dr. Burris says that always a visit to the Tuscumbia Cemetery was made to the Burris section located in the southeast corner. This is the oldest part of the Tuscumbia Cemetery and, in fact, early on, the cemetery was known as the Burris Cemetery since most of the burials for many years were of Burris family members. Dr. Burris told me he was present a few years ago for the memorial service honoring famous TV producer, Paul Henning, whose ashes were buried in the Burris part of the Tuscumbia Cemetery beside his wife, Ruth. Ruth was a granddaughter of Willis Burris who owned and operated the Burris Hotel in Eldon. Dr. Otis Burris, who was our visitor this week, is a first cousin of Ruth. Of course, as many remember, the Burris Hotel was the one about which Paul Henning wrote the scripts for the very popular TV series, “Petticoat Junction”.
You can read more about the Burris family, the Burris Hotel and Paul Henning at these two URL sites on our webpage:
(scroll halfway down the page to get to the Burris Hotel part)
So, James S. Franklin was the grandfather of Dr. Otis Franklin Burris and the great uncle of Professor William Harvey. William T. Franklin, the father of James Franklin and the first Franklin to settle in Miller County, was the great grandfather of both Dr. Otis Burris and Professor Harvey.
To learn more about the Franklin family I recurred once again to the Goodspeed History of Miller County 1889, p.764. First are the biographies of William T. (photo 05) and his son John B. Franklin:

05 William T. Franklin
William T. Franklin
William T. Franklin, an energetic farmer residing in Pleasant Mount, was born in St. Louis County, Missouri, in 1832, being the third in a family of eleven children born to John S. and Susan M. (Harrison) Franklin, who were born in Virginia, and immigrated to Kentucky when young. In 1818, they located in St. Louis County, Missouri moving in 1833 to Cole County, a portion of which is now called Miller, where John spent the remainder of his days, dying January 21, 1878. He was born December 13, 1804. His wife died March 10, 1887. Their children are as follows: Martha A. (Mrs. Stephens), Mary E., William T., John F., who was born October 2, 1834, and died June 8, 1857; Narcissa Jane, born July 4, 1836, and died June 5, 1857; Matilda C., born March 2, 1843, and died June 21, 1857, of typhoid fever; Samuel A., died November 16, 1869, aged thirty one years and twenty eight days; Andrew H. born in 1847; R.H. born in 1849; Thomas A.M., born August 7, 1848, and died February 23, 1877; and B.P., who was born in 1851. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch assisted his father on the farm until eighteen years of age, and then engaged in clerking in Pleasant Mount, where he remained six years. In September, 1857, he engaged in the mercantile business for himself, and continued thus employed until August, 1887, when he retired from the active duties of life. He was married in Miller County, in October, 1857, to Lucy J. Brockman, a native of Miller County, Missouri, and a daughter of Simms and Rachel (Gartin) Brockman, the father being a native of Kentucky. They were early pioneers to Missouri, and here died in 1856, and November 28, 1869, respectively. After his marriage Mr. Franklin settled in Pleasant Mount, where he was engaged in business, and from time to time bought land, until he now owns 540 acres, the most of which is under cultivation. He has always identified himself with the Republican Party, and is a member of the A.F. & A.M., Pleasant Mount Lodge No. 134 of which he has been both secretary and treasurer. In 1864 he enlisted in Company B, forty eighth Missouri Infantry, for six months and served as first lieutenant of his company. He was ordered first to Rolla, Missouri, thence to Nashville in December, 1864, and received his discharge at Chicago, Illinois, March 21, 1865, and returned soon after to Pleasant Mount. He and his wife are members of the Christian Church, and are the parents of the following children: James S., born October 23, 1858, is married and engaged in the mercantile business in Bagnell; Mary C., now Mrs. R.S. Harvey, was born December 15, 1860, and resides at Aurora Springs; Martha Ellen, Mrs. Spalding, was born December 21, 1862, and resides at Pleasant Mount; Nancy M., Mrs. N.E. Harvey, was born December 20, 1865; John b., born July 10, 1868, is engaged in merchandising at Olean; and Charley P. born August 25, 1873, at home. Mr. Franklin has always given liberal support to church and school matters, and has seen that his children have had good educational advantages. He is practically a self made man, all his property having been acquired by his own exertions and good management.
John B. Franklin
Son of William
John B. Franklin, merchant and partner in the firm of R.S. Harvey Company at Olean, was born at Mount Pleasant, Miller County,
July 10, 1868, and is the fifth of seven children born to W.T. and Lucy J. (Brockman) Franklin. Until the age of sixteen years John B. Franklin attended school and clerked in his father’s store at Mount Pleasant. After that he was permanently engaged in his father’s store until August 1, 1887. Previous to this, in 1882, at the settlement of Olean, R.S. Harvey erected a large brick store in that place, which he rented, and it was soon opened under the firm title of Sterling Brothers. Two years later Mr. Harvey took possession, and with W.T. Franklin, it was opened under the firm name of W.T. Franklin & Company. John B. Franklin then came here as clerk and manager, in which capacity he acted until August 1, 1887, when he purchased his father’s interest, and the firm name became R.S. Harvey & company. It is the largest and finest store in Miller County, and under Mr. Franklin’s management the trade is growing rapidly. March 5, 1889, Mr. Franklin was united in marriage to Miss Mollie A. Goodman, daughter of Josiah and Mary Goodman. Mr. Franklin is a member of the Christian Church, and although still a young man has fully demonstrated superior business ability.
The store which John B. Franklin was managing in Olean for his father, William, and R.S. Harvey is pictured here (photo 05a). Look closely and you will see John B. Franklin's name on the windows.

05a Franklin Store - Olean
The biography of James S. Franklin (photo 06), the most successful of William T Franklin’s sons best can be given by reading the Obituary published in the Eldon Advertiser at the time of his passing:

06 James S. Franklin
James S. Franklin Obituary
Death Resulted Saturday Night From Stroke of Paralysis Suffered Feb.19, 1916
James S. Franklin, the eldest son of Captain and Mrs. W. T. Franklin, was born at Mt. Pleasant, Mo., October 2, 1858. He spent his boyhood and youth in this place, assisting his father who was engaged in the mercantile business.
In the summer of 1881, he went to Aurora Springs, then a thriving town, and engaged in the mercantile business, becoming a partner of R. S. Harvey, his brother-in-law. This was the beginning of a long, successful and congenial partnership, a partnership which has continued unbroken for forty years.
On Oct. 27 of the same year, 1881, Mr. Franklin and Miss Elizabeth Cross were married. The marriage ceremony was performed by Judge J. H. Todd at Mt. Pleasant in the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Stevens, the latter a sister of the bride.
Because of business interest in Bagnell, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Franklin made their home there for several years where the three oldest daughters were born.
In 1901, Mr. Franklin brought his family to Eldon, and soon afterwards he erected the attractive home which is still the family residence.
Here he and Mr. Harvey established the business under the name of Franklin and Harvey, a business which was the most extensive ever conducted in this part of the state. This business concern grew into the present firm known as the Harvey Mercantile Co., of which Mr. Franklin was president at the time of his death.
In 1893, Mr. Franklin united with the Christian Church at Eldon and was one of the most loyal supporters of his church during the remaining years of his life.
He had always been connected with the Bank of Eldon since it was established, he being the vice-president and a director of the bank, when death called him.
He was also a member of the firm of the Eldon Hardware and Lumber Co. Not only was he interested in his mercantile and banking business but he was vitally interested in the schools of his town, in fact he was always among the first to strive for and promote everything that was for the good of his community. And he will be greatly missed by the men of affairs in his community who listened to his counsel, who reposed confidence in his integrity and ability.
He was a member of the Masonic, L.O.O.F. and M.W.A Lodges. To Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, five children were born, four daughters and one son. The son, William T., while in the service of his country, was called from this life Oct. 10, 1918, at Camp Pike, Arkansas.
On February 19th, 1916, Mr. Franklin suffered a stroke of paralysis, from which he never recovered. He spent many months in the south and on the Pacific Coast, hoping to regain his health, but it brought only temporary relief. On January 29, 1921, in answer to the "last summons," he quietly fell asleep.
Besides the number of friends who feel so deeply the loss of a real friend, there are those in the home circle whose loss is irreparable, the wife and fond daughters, Mrs. W. L. Allee, of Eldon; Mrs. Harry Kruse, of Peoria, Ill.; Mrs. Thomas Cuthbertson, of New York City; and Mrs. Otis E. Burris, of Bixby, Oklahoma.
Mr. Franklin also leaves two brothers, J. B. Franklin and C.P. Franklin, of Eldon; three sisters, Mrs. R. S. Harvey and Mrs. N. E. Harvey, of Eldon; and Mrs. R. G. Spaulding, of Oklahoma City and three grandchildren.
The funeral services were held in the First Christian Church, Wednesday morning at 10:30, by Rev. W. L. Reese, of Pittsburg, Kansas, assisted by Rev. Edmund Wilkes, of Columbia, Mo; Rev J. H. O'Heeron, pastor of the Eldon Christian Church and Hon. Herbert J. Corvin, Mayor of Topeka, Kansas.
Interment was made in the Eldon cemetery. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in Eldon, the church being crowded to overflowing. The business houses closed during the services.
As noted above in the obituary, in 1891 a large brick building occupied by Harvey Mercantile Company was built and furnished by Mr. Harvey and his brother in law, J.S. Franklin in Eldon. This building was located south of and near the Harvey Bank building on the same side of Maple Street (photo 07).

07 Harvey Franklin Store - Bank of Eldon - Livery Team
Click image for larger view
They remained partners in the department store business until after the death of Mr. Franklin. The business first started as Harvey and Franklin, later the firm was known as N.E. Harvey and Company, and afterwards the membership of the firm was increased and became Harvey Mercantile Company. Here is a photo of the building as it looks today (photo 08):

08 Harvey Franklin Building Currently
For years the firm of Harvey and Franklin in Bagnell bought thousands of ties made from the timbers of Miller and adjoining counties (photo 09).

09 Bagnell Tie Yard
Christmas week in 1895, they had ninety thousand ties on the bank of the Osage River at Bagnell when the flood came. Mr. Franklin and Mr. Harvey remained on duty almost night and day directing a force of men who worked to keep the waters from moving the ties down the river.
James S. Franklin built a home in Eldon that was identical to the one R.S. Harvey built on Oak Street. The Harvey Home I discussed on a previous Progress Notes in which I described a tour of the home my wife Judy and I were given by Helen Fendorf Phillips and her son William Phillips. The Phillips family is the second and only other owner of the home since it was built. You can read about that tour and some history of the home at this previous edtion of Progress Notes.
The Franklin home was built one block west of the Harvey home. Here is a photo of it not long after it was constructed (photo 10):

10 James S. Franklin Home
And here is a photo of the James Franklin family standing on the porch (photo 11):

11 Franklin Family
From left to right the names are: James Sims Franklin, Elizabeth Cross Franklin (wife of James), and James’ children: Maude Franklin Allee; Jess F. Kruse Gearhart; Ellen F. Cuthbertson; Cirrelda F. Burris; and William Thomas Franklin.
Later the home was owned by Dr. and Mrs. Warren Logan Allee. Mrs. Allee, Maud Franklin Allee, was one of James S. Franklin’s children. Her brother, William Franklin, an officer in the U.S. Army in WW I, died in the Flue Epidemic of 1918. Professor William Franklin Harvey, referred to above who with Dr. Otis Burris donated the Franklin portraits, was named after this cousin who died such a tragic death. You can read more about the death of William Franklin as recorded in a previous Progress Notes. (Note: You will need to scroll down the page half way to get to the story about William Franklin.)
In the late 1950s, the Franklin home was sold to the Eldon School system and later was removed for the construction of the Eldon High School. Shortly before the home was taken down Dr. Otis Burris took some last photos of it for the family to remember (photos 12, 13 and 14).

12 Franklin Home

13 Franklin Home

14 Franklin Home
Once again I want to thank the Harvey and Burris families for their kind and generous donation of these wonderful portraits of their Miller County Franklin ancestors, who were so important in the early development of Eldon, Bagnell, and Olean.
We have a wonderfully beautiful and unusually artistic rendition of Bagnell Dam created by Kay Allen Hanauer formerly of Lake Ozark, which now is hanging on the south wall of the lower level of our new addition to the museum (photos 15 and 16).

15 Kay Allen Hanauer

16 Bagnell Dam
I’m not sure exactly how to explain how Kay stitched together the quilt but it is really attractive and always draws the attention of our visitors to the museum. Because of the popularity of this piece of art work as well as the fact that Kay was raised in the area, I thought readers would want to know something about this artistic creation of Kay’s as well as some biographical information about her. So I asked her to tell us more about how she made the design as well as something about her family and growing up in the Bagnell Dam area. Here is what she wrote:
As the 50th anniversary of Bagnell Dam grew near, Mother (Eula Jenkins Allen) asked my sisters and me to write a bit about our family for the book planned for that occasion. Reflecting on those happy years and being an avid quilter, this just naturally transformed into a quilt project. Little did I know that it would take 27 years to finish. I combined some photos into a pattern, and completed the dam portion that first year. Each winter after the holidays were over, I would, with great expectations take the quilt from the closet and begin to work on it---sewing pieces together, then ripping them apart. This continued off and on for 25 years. Realizing it was now nearing the 75th anniversary, I was determined to finish that “dam “quilt. This time I stayed with it until the top was completed. Again it sat in the closet until I happened to mention it to Jody Newman. She was able to find a home for it, so I had to get busy and get it quilted. Having no stitching skills, I struggled through the quilting process and now am just happy that it is finished and going to such a nice place.
About my family, Mother and Dad married in April 1933. My father, Edgar W. Allen, who was born in North Dakota, came to Miller County when construction of Bagnell Dam began. He worked there nearly 40 years and retired as foreman in 1970. Always a busy man, after retirement he began refinishing antiques Mom brought home. That evolved into a 20 year collecting and restoring business. In 1976 he and Mom moved to Longview, Texas where my sister, Patty, lived. Patty worked with the genealogy of our family for many years. She gathered that information into a book before her death, so I’m quoting from her data. Mother’s family members were long time residents of Miller County. The Jenkins, Bond and Loveall ancestors were born in Miller County in the 1850’s and 1860, but our Harrison H. Jenkins served as J.P. for Miller County in 1842, so at least, he was there prior to that time. The other ancestor of that generation was Spyres who married our Jenkins in 1873. Several of the ancestors are buried in the Jenkins Cemetery near Mary’s Home which Harrison started for the family.
My grandfather was Isaac A. Jenkins, born November 1876. My grandmother was Corn A. Bond, born April 1883. Both were born in Miller County. They were married in September 1901 and had 10 living children. They are buried at Spring Garden. Mother was the 6th of the living children. With three little brothers and one little sister, Mom spent much of her childhood caring for her siblings. Mother, who was 95 in July, lives in a nursing home nearby. She has one sister living, 2 daughters living, 7 grandchildren living and 14 great grandchildren. It is my hope that we can bring the history current, but with my 32 cousins, all with children, grands and great grands, it will be a job!
As for me, I was the middle daughter. Patty was 2 years older and Nancy 5 years younger. We lost both Patty and Dad in 1994. Nancy lives in Scotland working as a missionary. I’m retired and spend my time in my home with various crafts, garden and family. I have 2 daughters, Cindy and Linda. My son, Joe died in 1997. His daughter, Brittany, is married and lived in Mt. Vernon Indiana. His son, Dexter, is in the Navy.
Kay Allen Hanauer
Thanks Kay.
As Kay noted above, the history of her family was published in 1981 in the Fiftieth Anniversary Bagnell Dam book. I thought it would be interesting to readers to read that article while realizing that it is nearly thirty years old now and not current. First here is a family photo which was published along with the article (photo 17):

17 Allen Family
And now here is the article:
Edgar W. and Eula Jenkins Allen
Fiftieth Anniversary Edition Bagnell Dam 1981
Edgar was born in Goodrich, North Dakota, the son of Wyatt and Mary Landers Allen. The family moved to Lebanon, Missouri in 1909. During construction of Bagnell Dam, he worked for Stone & Webtser from April, 1930 to September, 1931. On October 1, 1931, he was employed by Union Electric Land & Development Division as an auto and boat mechanic. During World War II, Ed was transferred to the mechanical department at Bagnell Dam. In 1960, he was promoted to Maintenance foreman, where he served until his retirement December 1, 1970. He was a member of the Lake Ozark Lions Club, and served for several years as a member of the school board for School of the Osage.
Eula is the daughter of Isaac and Cora Bond Jenkins of Eugene. She is a member of the Lake Ozark Christian Church. Before moving to Texas, she was a member of Arrowhead Garden Club and the Order of Eastern Star.
Ed and Eula were married in 1933 and lived in Union Electric village. They were the parents of three daughters, Patty, Kay, and Nancy.
Patty is married to Pat Griffin, and they live in Longview, Texas. They are the parents of three sons, Michael, Brian and Richard.
Kay married Joseph Hanauer of Osage Beach. They live in Oakland City, Indiana, and are the parents of three children, Cindy, Linda and Joe.
Nancy married Dr. David Hall and they reside in Lakeland, Florida. David is a radiologist at Watson Clinic. They are the parents of two sons, David and Dennis.
In 1977, Ed and Eula moved to Longview, Texas, where Ed pursues his hobby of restoring antique furniture. Eula attends Greggton Methodist Church. She is busy with church activities, arts and craft clubs, and plays bridge at the drop of a hat! She also enjoys the Mini trips, sponsored by the senior citizens organization, to Dallas, Shreveport, and other area cities, to museums, art galleries, antebellum homes, and musical shows.
Submitted by Mrs. Pat Griffin
Thanks Kay, for the quilt and the stories by you and Pat.
Last week we were delighted to receive the gift of a friendship quilt brought to us by Betty Jo Van of Eldon (photo 18).

18 Nancy Thompson and Betty Van
The quilt at this time belongs to James L. Stayton of Liberty, Missouri who had received it from his mother, Edith Stayton. The quilt was made by the Grant’s Quilting Club in 1936. The group met regularly in the Grant School which is located just over the line in Moniteau County but many of the women in the club lived in Miller County and that is why the quilt was donated to us. This type of quilt has the names of all who participated in its creation which so many years later makes it of interest to friends and relatives who come to the museum and see it displayed. We are always delighted to receive quilts of the past made by Miller County quilters.
Here are the Board meeting minutes of last week as recorded by Peggy Hake, our Society Secretary. We are very happy to have Peggy back to be with us. Her husband, Ambrose Hake passed away recently and she herself has not been in the best of health. But this week she certainly seems to have recovered from recent illnesses for which we are very thankful.
by Peggy Hake, Secretary to the Board
Board members and guests of the Miller County Historical Society met on Tuesday morning, September 15, in the research library of the museum in Tuscumbia. Those attending included, Betty Kallenbach and Helen Schulte of Eldon; Karen Smith, Eugene; Nancy Thompson and Carl McDonald of Jefferson City; Jack Brumley and Jim Clark of Tuscumbia; Peggy Hake, St. Elizabeth; Connie Prather, Iberia; Donna Carrender, Lake Ozark; Joe and Judy Pryor, Sunrise Beach.
A treasurer's report was given by Betty Kallenbach and was accepted as read.
Most of the meeting's agenda was discussion of the upcoming "Cruise In and Display" of old vintage cars that is slated for Saturday, October 10th between the hours of 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. The exhibit of old cars will be on the grounds of the museum in Tuscumbia and during the day, food will be served in the kitchen area including chili, soup, condiments, and desserts. The food will be served from 11 a.m. until about 4 p.m......the remainder of the day will be devoted to museum tours and special feature of the old and unique autos.
About 3 p.m. on the afternoon of October 10th, the annual quilt raffle will be held and the winners will be drawn and announced by board president, Joe Pryor.
Sufficient parking will be available on the parking lot of the courthouse directly to the south of the museum. Cars will be allowed to drive the handicapped to the museum grounds and then must move from the area to prevent overcrowding on the property.
For more information you may call the museum at 573-369-3500 each Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
Here is our current newsletter sent to members, but for those readers of the website who do not receive the newsletter you may find it interesting (photo 19):

19 September 2009 Newsletter
Click image to view all four pages of the newsletter (PDF Format)
Finally, Connie Prather keeps us up to date on the new bridge construction. Here is a photo she took from the north end of the construction looking south (photo 20).

20 Osage River Bridge Construction
That’s all for this week.
 Joe Pryor