Armstrong Log Cabin
Armstrong LOG HOUSE
By Peggy Smith Hake
Nadine Hackler of Eldon, MO submitted the following photograph. The picture is the log home of her grandparents, Andrew and Millie (Boan) Armstrgon. It was taken in the year 1904 and included in the photo are her grandparents (in the middle).
Andrew J. Armstrong married Miss Millie M. Boan in Miller County on November 27, 1884. The marriage was performed by Ludwell Bacon, a Justice of the Peace in Saline Township.
 Armstrong Log Cabin
From left to right are three children of the Armstrongs: Pearl M (Armstrong) Davenport, Ernest Armstrong, and Lilly (Armstrgon) DeMott. The picture was taken before any of the three children were married. This fine piece of early Miller County architecture was on the Armstrong farm about 3/4 mile south of Highway 52 on the Old Hall Store Road which lead to the Osage River.