By Peggy Smith Hake
![Bilyeu Home](peggysbook/bilyeu.jpg) Bilyeu Home
This is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Fischer who live on Hwy. A about 2 miles east of Hwy. 17. The home was built by Mrs. Fischer's father, Clyde Bilyeu, in the early 20th Century.
![Burks Home](peggysbook/burks.jpg) Burks Home
![Gillespie Home](peggysbook/gillespie.jpg)
Abandoned log house near Hwy. A on the John Gillsepie farm, Osage Township.
I do not know who built this old home. It is located on the John Gillespie farm on Highway A about 1 miles east of Highway 17. Across the road, another old house has been repaired and renovated by the Gillespie family. They use it as a weekend home when they visit Miller County from their home in ST. Louis. This abandoned house will probably continue to deteriorate.
![Holtmeyer Home](peggysbook/holtmeyer.jpg) Holtmeyer Home
Richard Holtmeyer first built this house and it has continued in the Holtmeyer family to this day. It is about 3 miles south of St. Elizabeth on the road to Boeckman Bridge. I would estimate the house was built just before the turn of the century.
![Keeth Home](peggysbook/keeth.jpg) Keeth Home
![](peggysbook/eugenekeeth.jpg) Eugene Keeth Home
![Keeth Home](peggysbook/saltbox.jpg) salt box
This is a "salt box" style home, very prevalent among the German settlers who came into the Osage River country northeast of Miller County. There are very few of these homes left today. You can find more of them in Osage County in the German-settled communities of Westphalia, Rich Fountain, etc.
![Tavern Valley](peggysbook/tavernvalley.jpg) Tavern Valley
This Victorian style home is located on Hwy. 52 just east of St. Elizabeth overlooking the Tavern Valley below. It was probably built in the early 20th century.
![Voss Home](peggysbook/voss.jpg) Voss Home
A simple farm home built in the early 20th century near Brushy Creek, Osage Township, south of St. Elizabeth. It is rumored that part of the house is built of logs. It was once the home of the Jack Voss family. Today it is vacant, one of many in the county.
![Whittle Home](peggysbook/whittle.jpg) Whittle Home
![Whittle Home](peggysbook/whittle2.jpg) Whittle Home