The Eldon Advertiser and Miller County Autogram-Sentinel
1976 Bicentennial Salute

Euterpean Club was organized in 1904, the same year Eldon was incorporated as a fourth class city. The club was organized as a musical and literary organization. In 1909 it joined with the General Federation of Women's Clubs and in 1913 with the Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs. Mrs. Bernice Harvey Young and Mrs. J.A. Taylor are charter members who are still living in the area.

From the beginning the club had a great interest in the Eldon public schools and has presented an award to a high school graduate each year since the first graduation. Euterpean organized the first PTA, started the hot lunch program for school children, gave reference books to high school and grade schools and held clinics for school children.

Many beautification projects have been initiated and participated in to improve the town. In the days when Eldon had a band, the Euterpeans bought a portable bandstand and presented it to the band.

The most outstanding and lasting project was the starting of the Eldon Library in 1923. For many years the club operated the library.

Besides civic activities, the club has been outstanding in district and state federation work and has brought cultural and musical programs to Eldon, among them a noted pianist, Dr. Kroeger of Kroeger School of Music and the Jefferson City Symphony Orchestra with Mrs. Earl Collins playing a concerto.

In May, 1974, the club celebrated its 70th anniversary with a special tea. State and Fifth District of the Missouri Federation, members of Evening Euterpean and Sorosis Club were invited and special guests were past presidents who gave brief reports on their respective terms of office. At this tea a history was given in the form of a skit based on the diary of Mrs. Elmira Weeks. Scrapbooks, programs, old pictures, and other memory-provoking items were on display. Many letters from past presidents and former members were read.

In recent years the club has sponsored a high school student at the annual Sophomore Pilgrimage in Jefferson City and also takes the AFS student of the current year as a special guest.

Meetings are held, usually in members' homes, on the second Tuesday of each month, September through May each year.


By Pauline Alpers

The Evening Euterpean Club was started in 1928 as the Junior Euterpean Club and at that time was an afternoon club. Two years later it was changed to an evening club. In 1942 it was made a senior club and was renamed The Evening Euterpean Club. It now meets the second Monday night of each month.

The club is a member of Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs and their projects are The Miller County Fair Queen Contest and Girls Town of Missouri. The club participates in community projects as needed.

Past Presidents are Eleanor Davis, 1928; Elizabeth Stanley 1928-29; Evelyn Spalding, 1929-1931; Mrs. Raymond Artz, 1931-1933; Mrs. A.M. Haynes, 1933-1936; Mrs. Curtis Kelsay, 1936-1937; Mildred Apperson, 1937-1939; Mrs. Chester Vernon, 1939-1942; Mrs. Leonard Dark, 1943-1945; Miss Irene Fitzgerald, 1943-1945; Mrs. Jack Ulrey, 1945-1947; Mrs. Edwin Ford, 1947-1948; Mrs. Charles Bailey, 1948-1950; Mrs. Helen Luke Hamby, 1950-1952; Mrs. Ray Wise, 1952-1953; Mrs. Paul Yarger, 1953-1954; Mrs. Harold Reichal, 1955-1956; Miss Neva Collier, 1956-1958; Miss Vera Busick, 1958-1960; Mrs. Pauline Adcock, 1960-1962; Mrs. Keith Boldt, 1962-1966; Mrs. George Rea, 1966-1968; Mrs. James McClintic, 1968-1970; Mrs. Ralph Spalding, 1970-1972; Mrs. Max Burlingame, 1972-1974; Mrs. Dean Shorter, 1974-1976; Mrs. John Dow.ler, 1976-1978; Mrs. John Caine, 1978-1980; Mrs. William Yaeger, 1980-1981.

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