School Name: Pleasant Ball / Klindt School
School District Number: #017
Township: Twn41N Range: Rng13W Section: Sec08
Latitude: 38.322800 °N Longitude: -92.384100 °W
School Photo:
Pleasant Ball School and Students
Click on Photo for larger version
School Information:
Date Started: Date Closed:
School Registers:
Teachers: Judge Jenkins lists the following teachers from 1878 to 1900:
1878-79 |
Ellen Jones |
1890-92 |
Dollie Bond |
1879-80 |
Eva Reeves |
1892-94 |
Minnie Baker |
1880-82 |
Jane Artz |
1894-95 |
James M. Baker |
1882-83 |
Nannie Jackson |
1895-96 |
Marble Fields |
1883-85 |
T. N. Belshe |
1896-97 |
C. Honaker |
1885-86 |
D. L. Russell |
1897-98 |
Samuel Valentine Jenkins |
1886-87 |
Mattie Cummins |
1898-99 |
John M. Buster |
1887-88 |
G. T. Payne |
1899-00 |
Lou Lumpkin |
1889-90 |
Basha M. Ballengee |
1900-01 |
Otis Orville Jenkins |
The district was formed from the northern half of old No. 4 in 1871, but remained unorganized for seven years.
Resident Taxpayers in 1878:
P.W. Becker, Charlotte Bond, I.N. Bond, Robert B. Hoff, June Harrison, James J. Kelly Sr., James J. Kelly Jr., John Klindt, Jacob Leopold, D. Herman Loesch, E.A. Loesch, Matthias Loeffler, Frank Malone, Herman Volmer, E.J. Von Finthel, Joseph Wilbers, Lewis Winters, and Samuel Winters.
School Resources