School Name: Harbison School
School District Number: #019
Township: Twn41N Range: Rng14W Section: Sec08
Latitude: 38.320600 °N Longitude: -92.491900 °W
School Photo:
Harbison School - 1912
Click photo for larger view
School Information:
Date Started: Date Closed:
School Registers:
Teachers: Judge Jenkins lists the following teachers for the early years of the school:
1874-75 |
George Swanson |
1888-89 |
John B. Crawford |
1875-76 |
Henry G. Pendleton |
1889-90 |
Victoria Bell |
1876-77 |
Sarah J. Kneisley |
1890-91 |
W. T. Bowlin |
1877-78 |
John A. Goodrick |
1891-92 |
1878-79 |
John S. Goodrick |
1892-93 |
Lucetta Roark |
1879-80 |
John A. Goodrick |
1893-94 |
M. L. Roark |
1880-81 |
William S. Miller |
1894-95 |
Josie Pennington |
1881-82 |
W. J. Ashley |
1895-96 |
Minnie Kaiser |
1882-83 |
John Goodrick |
1896-97 |
Kim F. Hinds |
1883-84 |
Emma A. Porch |
1897-01 |
Fred Etter |
1884-85 |
May Gantt |
1885-86 |
Fred Etter |
1886-87 |
G. W Akers |
1887-88 |
Jennie Johnston |
Later teachers included:
1956-57 |
Leola Slote, Grades 1-8 |
Resident Taxpayers in 1871:
J.M. Brockman, Daniel Bliss, Mary Bruly, W.R. Crisp, Jos. Crisp, Jesse Hill, R.F. Hill, Frederick Hucke, Pryor Harbison, W.H. Harbison, W.T. Jones, H.J. Miller, Alexander Graham, C.G. Stephens, Susan J. Shackleford, John Seybert, Wm. M. Stepp, and Alexander Tracy.
School Resources