School Name: West Aurora School
School District Number: #027
Township: Twn41N Range: Rng15W Section: Sec16
Latitude: 38.314800 °N Longitude: -92.591900 °W
School Photo:
West Aurora School
School Information:
Date Started: 1897 Date Closed:
- Some teachers have been:
- Teachers: Judge Jenkins lists the following teachers for the early years of the school:
1897-98 |
Vona Harrison |
1898-99 |
Jennie McClure |
1899-00 |
Sallie Campbell |
1900-01 |
Minnie Marsh |
- West Aurora School District was established from territory in the Franklin, Cooper, and Aurora Springs Districts.
The assessed valuation of the school district, when established in 1897, was a sum of $17,235, with total taxes collected for all school purposes, $259.64.
Resident Taxpayers in 1897:
William Boan, S.D. Bliss, W.P. Bliss, Fred Buler, E.F. Brown, J.N. Babcoke, R.R. Brent, W.J. Buchanan, G.A. Cook, N.R. Childs, C.C. Crane, P.J. Davidson, S.P. Dresser, Geo. W. Gouge, H.G. Hooeland, Charles Bell, Geo. Jobe, A.T. Jones, C.H. Kirkendall, W. Henry Kaufmann, George M. Polly, James Petitt, J.W. Roark, R. Richardson, J.R. Spencer, A.V. Simpson, C.H. Taylor, J.D. Wadley, and Cal. Wilson..
School Resources: