School Name: Bowlin School School District Number: #050 Location: Township: Twn40N Range: Rng15W Section: Sec30 Latitude: 38.196257 °N Longitude: -92.639390 °W School Photo Bowlin School School Information: By Billy Whitfeld and Sky Kurlbaum The Bowlin Grade School was located 200 yards north of the present day School of the Osage football field. No more than 12 and sometimes as few as two students attended the spring and fall sessions. The classes taught were reading, writing, arithmetic, and spelling. The major sport was baseball, sometimes using a board for a bat. The teachers were strict: discipline was mandatory. Punishment for major offenders was a whipping; minor offenders had to stay in from recess. There was no plumbing in the one-room schoolhouse. Special privileges given to students were being allowed to carry the water and wood into the school. They used an outdoor restroom and had a wood-burning stove. Inside the children used tables and benches for desks. Bowlin Grade School was replaced by New Bowlin in 1933. Then in 1936, School of the Osage was built replacing New Bowlin. New Bolin building was then used as a cafeteria until 1952. Parts of Old Bowlin were still standing in 1975 while New Bowlin was paved over by the High School parking lot. School Resources |