Miller County Schools Project
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School Name:    White / Jack Lawson School              School District Number:    #56

Township:  Twn40N    Range:  Rng12W    Section:  Sec26

Latitude:  38.177300 °N      Longitude:  -92.227400 °W

School Photo:

White School Class - Circa 1910
WHITE SCHOOL near St. Elizabeth around 1910, and pictures all attending school at that time
Click on Photo for larger version

Front row: Ida Helton, Raymond Grosvenor, Opal Duncan, Opie Grosvenor, Omar Hickey, Enid McKee, Bernie Clark, Olga Clark, Victor Ortball, Edith Clark, Pleasant Robertson, Pearl Rowden, Helen Thompson (and teacher) Barney Thompson.

Second row: Pope Clark, Virgie Hickey, Amos Clark, Mable Grosvenor, Florence Grosvenor, Hugo Ortball, Mary Helton, Roselle Robertson, Mertle Grosvenor, Johnnie McKee, Agnes Clark, Addie Ortball, Emma Wilson, Susan McKee, Gordan Smith.

Third row: Susan Dake, Hester McKee, Larman Dake, Willard Dake

Fourth row: Vernie McKee, Edith Grosvenor, Otto Rowden, Lillis Grosvenor, Rose Grosvenor, Logan Hickey, Nellie Clark, Thurman Duncan, Jalmny Duebbert, Mabel Hickey, Aubrey Robertson, Susan McKee, Jim Helton, Vernie Reed, Clay Hickey, Geraldine Robertson, Kenneth Reed, Zada Reed, Perry Clark, Leslie Grosvenor, Lester Grosvenor.

School Information:

White School was located 10 miles northeast of Iberia on Greasy Creek. The building was later owned by Henry P. Bax and used for farm storage.

Teachers: Judge Jenkins lists the following teachers for the early years of the school:

1874-75 James S. Martin   1889-90 George W. Shelton
1875-76 Isaiah Latchem   1890-91 S. O. Burks
1876-78 A. F. Whitaker   1891-92 George W. Shelton
1878-79 Thomas J. Stanton   1892-93 G. A. Hickey
1879-80 John N. Lawson   1893-94 Charles B. Thompson
1880-82 Mattie E. Hayhurst   1894-95 G. A. Hickey
1882-83 Lucinda Martin   1895-96 Otto Benage
1883-84 J. W. Brockman   1896-97 George T. Bear
1884-85 Lucinda F. Martin   1897-98 Otto Benage
1885-86 Jane Short   1898-99 Mary Rowden
1886-87 John Winningham   1899-00 Josie Evans
1887-88 J. W. Waite   1900-01 Fred Short
1888-89 John Winningham      

Taken from:
by Ray Doerhoff

The schoolhouse is located in the extreme southern part of Section 26, south of the county road and west of Weimer Creek on the Henry P. Bax farm, located 10 miles northeast of Iberia on Greasy Creek..  The schoolhouse is still standing as it was abandoned in 1959 when the district was divided and part joined the Iberia R-5 district and part joined the St. Elizabeth R-4 district.  This district was originally known as the Jack Lawson school district, evidently named after the Lawson family, several of which were listed as tax payers in the district in 1871.

Resident Taxpayers in 1871, according to Judge Jenkins:
Mahala Anderson, John P. Clark, Joseph Crismon, George Dake, Rachel Duncan, Elijah Keen, Mry Lawson, John Lawson, Susan MdKee, John H. Rouden, Wm. W. Shelton, W. R. Short, Hiram Smith, John Shelton, Willis Shelton, Harvey Suiter and Nathaniel Wilson.

School Resources