Miller County Schools Project
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School Name:    Jeffries School              School District Number:    #066

Location: Lake of the Ozark State Park

Township:  Twn39N    Range:  Rng15W    Section:  Sec16

Latitude:  38.112800 °N      Longitude:  -92.570200 °W

School Photos:

Jeffries School House
Jeffries School House
Click photo for larger view

Jeffries School Children
Jeffries School Children
Click photo for larger view

School Information:

Date Started:              Date Closed:

School Registers:

Teachers: Judge Jenkins lists the following teachers from 1874 to 1901:

1874-75 Benjamin Wilson   1889-90 J. L. McComb
1875-76 Violet Dunnington   1890-91 E. P. Hawkins
1876-77 Benjamin Wilson   1891-93 W. L. Hawkins
1877-78 Elizabeth Cook   1893-94 Stella Thornsberry
1878-79 Lucetta Caliman   1894-95 Mary A. Thornsberry
1879-80 L. N. Wood   1895-96 Polly Thornsberry
1880-81 W. M. Gott   1896-97 Frank Miller
1881-82 George W. Reed   1897-99 A. S. McComb
1882-83 Wyley M. Gott   1899-00 J. A. Brockman
1883-84 Edward N. Ainsworth   1900-01 Lucy Howell
1884-85 Lettie T. Parish      
1885-86 B. F. Jeffries      
1886-88 Sophia E. Thompson      
1888-89 Alinza Spearman      

Resident Taxpayers in 1871:
James G. Brown, F.S. Carrolton, Nelson Caliman, Elisabeth Hoskins, William Gardner, J.D. Cochran, George W. Phillips, W.T. Jeffries, Derric Jeffries, Wm. R. Johnson, J.D. McCubbin, Mary McClain, William Maher, J.B. Salsman, Lazurus Phillips, William M. Pope, Robert H. Robinett, A.T. Robinett, Redman Snelling, Berryman Snelling, and Allen Ward.

School Information:

by Larry Jeffries, April 2017

My mother, Nellie DeGraffenreid Jeffries attended the Jeffries School house which is now in the Lake of the Ozark State Park. It is in the Patterson Hollow area, off of Highway 134 and County Road 134-2 (northwest of this junction).

Jeffries School - Patterson Hollow
Jeffries School - Patterson Hollow
Click photo for larger view

There was one teacher for all 8 grades and one of the teachers was Lucian Mace (Lee Mace father). The student’s parents made sure firewood was available for the cold months and the wood burning stove was in the center of the one room. The drinking water was carried from a nearby spring by one of the older students. Mom completed the 8th Grade which was a standard in those days.

Some of the families that attended that school are the Alvin Snelling family, Clifford Jeffries family, John DinWiddie family, Otto McDowell family, John Maher family, Stout’s, and Grosvenor’s. These family names were given to me by my Uncle Lloyd DeGraffenreid who lives in Brumley and did attend the Jeffries School, there may be others that he can’t remember.

School Resources