School Name: Rabbithead School
School District Number: #075
Township: Twn39N Range: Rng12W Section: Sec07
Latitude: 38.117800 °N Longitude: -92.276300 °W
School Photos:
Rabbithead School
Rabbithead School Class - 1909
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Rabbithead School Class - 1950-51
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Rabbithead School Class - 1956
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School Information:
Date Started: Date Closed:
School Registers:
Teachers: Judge Jenkins lists the following teachers for the early years of the school:
1874-75 |
Ruth R. Martin |
1890-91 |
Annie Heltzell |
1875-76 |
L. T. Reynolds |
1891-92 |
Mary A. Thompson |
1876-77 |
W. J. Champion |
1892-93 |
Margaret Shackleford |
1877-78 |
Isaiah Latchem |
1893-95 |
S. B. Tunmons |
1878-80 |
M. E. Hayhurst |
1895-97 |
Walter Morrow |
1880-81 |
D. W. Baker |
1897-98 |
Geo. T. Shelton |
1881-83 |
Lauretta Irwin |
1898-99 |
W. T. Thompson |
1883-84 |
W. D. Johnson |
1899-01 |
Annie Schuberth |
1884-85 |
Mat A. Batson |
1909 |
Edna Philips |
1885-86 |
Sadie Heltzell |
1950-52 |
Lenny Thompson |
1886-87 |
Mary E. Cross |
1887-88 |
N. D. Johnston |
1888-89 |
Siegel Thompson |
1955-56 |
Imo Cross |
1889-90 |
Belle Brown |
1956-57 |
Ruby Humphrey |
Resident Taxpayers in 1871:
I.R. Bailey, P.L. Blyze, H. Crismon, John Cross, Noah Denton, Jacob Denton, M. Davidson, Wm. Forester, Wm. Kellison, John Kellison, W. P. Newhart, Freeman Skaggs, and Spencer Wilson.
School Resources