Miller County Schools Project
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School Name:    Johnston School              School District Number:    #082

Township:  Twn38N    Range:  Rng12W    Section:  Sec11

Latitude:  38.038400 °N      Longitude:  -92.268500 °W

School Photos:

Johnston School House
Johnston School House
Click photo for larger view

Johnston School 1920
Johnston School 1920
Click photo for larger view

School Information:

Date Started: 1870            Date Closed: 1960

School Registers:
Board Minutes: 1871-1884
Board Minutes: 1930-1937
Clerk's Register: 1955-1958, 1958-1959
Teacher's Register: 1892-1894, 1916-1919, 1920-1924, 1927-1931

Some teachers have been:

1872 - 3 months Sarah B. Gardner   1901-02 E. F. Madden
1872 - 4 months Corneleus Lowe   1902 - Apr. E. F. Madden
1873 - 4 months James J. Dickerson   1902 - Apr.-Jun. Lillie Johnston
1874 W. W. Gardner   1902 - Sep.-Dec. W. T. Haines
1876 W. W. Gardner   1903 - Sep. E. F. Madden
1877 John B. Tallman   1920-21 Ursie Veasman Ewing
1878 John B. Tallman   1921-22 Sadie Confra
1880 David D. Greenstreet   1922-23 Mary Shackeford
1881 L. W. Wood   1923-24 A. Y. Johnston
1882 John B. Tallman   1930 Sep.-33 Apr. Edna Jones
1884 Cornelia Spearman   1933 Sep.-36 Apr. Barney Stokes
1891-92 George Mace   1936-38 Eileen Mayfield
1892-93 J. A. Jordan   1938-39 Barney Stokes
1893-94 E. F. Madden   1939-40 Vurden Rook
1894-95 ?   1940-41 Edna Jones

Resident Taxpayers in 1871:
John D. Brown, Nancy Brown, C.L. Brown, Isaac S. Brown, J.C. Bailey, Henry Carroll, John Carroll, John E. Dickerson, L.A. Himnan, H.J. Johnston, Wm. A. Kelly, Thos. Loague, James Madden Sr., Jas. Madden, James D. Madden, A.J. Madden, John Mayfield, Josephus Miller, Job Moffit, John A. Phillips, John W. Smith, Henry Ward, Wiley Gardner, Daniel Smith, and Nan Wolf.

The Johnston School house was sold at auction August 27, 1960 to become a home. October 29, 1960, a former pupil, Earl Prater, who had purchased the bell, rang the bell at 10 a.m. 50 strokes, one for each year of service before dismantling began. The bell was removed to Earl's Kansas home. The belfry also was taken down and moved to the home of another pupil, Mrs. Clara Carroll Moss of Dixon.

After serving mankind for 98 years, on January 12, 1974, somehow a small fire originated during the night causing the building to burn to the ground. The family living there when it burned was Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Miller. They escaped leaving their belongings behind. The Millers moved a mobile home to the property to serve as their home.

Letter from Guy Prater to the New Iberian in 1982:

I want to write about the Johnston School District #82 that I graduated from in 1909, was a rather large building for those days. There was a small library but few books. There was a large old pot belly stove in the middle of the school room that we all gathered around in cold weather.

The first subject in the morning was history for the older ones and reading for the little ones. Grammar was always my hardest subject.

I think the highest attendance at one time was eighty-one and only for a short time in about 1907. What a job for a teacher in a one room school. We had a bell that could be heard for miles around. When the bell rant at eight-thirty, I knew that it was time to hustle off to school as I had about two miles to walk to school.

I remember an incident that happened along about 1906 when the big boys became unhappy with the teacher and refused to be disciplined and spent most of their time on the school ground playing Base, Leap Frog, Broad Jumping and the like. Things suddenly got worse and the teacher locked the door to keep the boys out and that was when things began to happen. Some of the big boys came in thru the windows to unlock the door to let the older boys in and one came swinging his knife and threatening the t4eacher and the teacher made a wild swing at him with the big stove poker and hit the upper door facing leaving the imprint in the wood over the door and about that time some of the big boys managed to calm the fellow with the knife and the teacher retired to the middle of the room so after awhile the boys quieted down and went outside. We smaller kids, still excited, were told to continue with our regular studies.

The next morning the school directors were there and a new teacher. The directors departed and the big bell told all to come inside. I remember that all was quiet as the new teacher began to explain that he had been hired to teach the school for the remainder of the term. He addressed the smaller ones first, saying, "You all look cheerful and eager to learn. I will help you all I can. Then he spoke to the big boys and said with a big smile, "Now you big boys can do as you please. After a long pause, as if he was searching their thoughts, he said, "As long as you please to do what is right." Then in a stern voice he said, "I have been hired to teach this school and let there be no mistake, I am going to teach it." And with those words he walked to the library and produced a big hickory about three and a half feet long and he talked and looked at each one and I am sure they felt he was talking to each one personally. HE assured them that he would help them in any way he could.

He finished his talk as he walked back to the library and placed the big hickory on the top shelf. Then with a smile and a glance around the school room he said, "Those are my remarks for the day." He tapped the bell for study period and the entire school began the day.

If my memory is correct all went well and we had a good school with no trouble of any kind. After graduation from the eighth grade I went on to finish my education at the Iberia Academy. In my store room of memories there will always be a Johnston School.

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