Miller County Schools Project
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School Name:    Warren School              School District Number:    #086

Township:  Twn38N    Range:  Rng14W    Section:  SecXX

Latitude:  38.xxxxxx °N      Longitude:  -92.xxxxxx °W

School Photo:

Warren School
Warren School
Click on Photo for larger version

School Information:

Date Started:  1872               Date Closed:

School Registers:

Teachers: Judge Jenkins lists the following teachers for the early years of the school:

1876-77 William Winfrey   1891-92 C. J. Thompson
1877-79 Absalom E. McComb   1892-93 Jas. C. Warren
1879-80 L. M. Pridemore   1893-94 C. F. Spearman
1880-81 A. D. Shipman   1894-95 W. C. Hawkins
1881-82 W. M. Gott   1895-96 Janie Vaughn
1882-84 Neppie Reed   1896-98 C. F. Spearman
1884-85 B. Reed   1898-99 Rosetta Burris
1885-86 J. L. McComb   1899-00 J. C. Warren
1886-87 Alice M. Warren   1900-01 Josie Buster
1887-88 W. S. Spearman      
1888-91 C. F. Spearman      

Later Teachers Included:

1956-57 Nelle Blize      
1959-60 Vurden Rook      

This school was established in 1872 as District Number 2, Congressional Township 38, Range 14. In 1873, J.L. Conner, Clerk of the Township Board of Education labeled the school as District Number 8, but the following year the school again was designated as District Number 2.

Resident Taxpayers in 1871:
Parker Bradshaw, Hiram Gilliam, Thomas Martin, J.E. McComb, Samuel Meredith, R.M. Nelson, Thomas Neal, Isaac Popplewell, E.F. Popplewell, James Pennington, Samuel Pennington, W.A. Thornsberry, Nancy Short, J.M. Wiseman, Thos. Winfrey, J.S. Wilson, J.R. Wilson, and A.J. Wilson.

School Resources: