School Name: Warren School
School District Number: #086
Township: Twn38N Range: Rng14W Section: SecXX
Latitude: 38.xxxxxx °N Longitude: -92.xxxxxx °W
School Photo:
Warren School
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School Information:
Date Started: 1872 Date Closed:
School Registers:
Teachers: Judge Jenkins lists the following teachers for the early years of the school:
1876-77 |
William Winfrey |
1891-92 |
C. J. Thompson |
1877-79 |
Absalom E. McComb |
1892-93 |
Jas. C. Warren |
1879-80 |
L. M. Pridemore |
1893-94 |
C. F. Spearman |
1880-81 |
A. D. Shipman |
1894-95 |
W. C. Hawkins |
1881-82 |
W. M. Gott |
1895-96 |
Janie Vaughn |
1882-84 |
Neppie Reed |
1896-98 |
C. F. Spearman |
1884-85 |
B. Reed |
1898-99 |
Rosetta Burris |
1885-86 |
J. L. McComb |
1899-00 |
J. C. Warren |
1886-87 |
Alice M. Warren |
1900-01 |
Josie Buster |
1887-88 |
W. S. Spearman |
1888-91 |
C. F. Spearman |
Later Teachers Included:
1956-57 |
Nelle Blize |
1959-60 |
Vurden Rook |
This school was established in 1872 as District Number 2, Congressional Township 38, Range 14. In 1873, J.L. Conner, Clerk of the Township Board of Education labeled the school as District Number 8, but the following year the school again was designated as District Number 2.
Resident Taxpayers in 1871:
Parker Bradshaw, Hiram Gilliam, Thomas Martin, J.E. McComb, Samuel Meredith, R.M. Nelson, Thomas Neal, Isaac Popplewell, E.F. Popplewell, James Pennington, Samuel Pennington, W.A. Thornsberry, Nancy Short, J.M. Wiseman, Thos. Winfrey, J.S. Wilson, J.R. Wilson, and A.J. Wilson.
School Resources: