School Name: Lawson/Lizzard Kick School
School District Number: #095
Township: Twn40N Range: Rng14W Section: Sec18
Latitude: 38.217000 °N Longitude: -92.512400 °W
School Photo
Lawson School State of MO Certificate
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School Information:
Date Started: Date Closed:
School Registers:
Board Minutes: 1930-1944
Clerk's Register: 1946-1950
Teacher's Register: 1938-1942, 1946-1950
Teachers: Judge Jenkins lists the following teachers from 1874 to 1901:
1874-75 |
Mattie E. Cummings |
1889-90 |
Annie M. Yarnell |
1875-76 |
Lois Foote |
1890-91 |
J. P. Wright |
1876-79 |
Martha E. Cummings |
1891-92 |
Mattie William |
1879-80 |
Mattie E. Cummings |
1894-95 |
Vesta Carty |
1880-82 |
Maria S. Bacon |
Old District #2 Transferred by order |
1882-83 |
U. S. G. Todd |
of County Court to #6 and #1 |
1883-84 |
Samantha Stephens |
4 February 1897 |
1884-85 |
Isaac McCollern |
1896-97 |
Charles Burks |
1885-86 |
J. W. Renfrow |
1897-98 |
P. C. Burks |
1886-87 |
Arthur Foote |
1898-99 |
Carrie Thompson |
1887-88 |
Rosetta Burris |
1899-00 |
A. H. Small |
1888-89 |
Alice M. Thomas |
1900-01 |
no school |
Later teachers included:
1930-32 |
Mrs. Anna Helstab |
1942-43 |
R. L. Livingston |
1935-36 |
Irene Fitzgerald |
1943 |
Mrs. Geo. Helstab |
1936-37 |
Marion Agee |
1944-46 |
Mildred Chalmers |
1938-39 |
R. L. Livingston |
1940-41 |
Roy E. Mathews |
Resident Taxpayers in 1871:
Erastus Ames, B.W.Burris, M.H. Burris Jr., F.G. Burris, Ambrose Brockman, Jas. R. Beard, J.B. Challas, M.R. Challas, Thomas Cox, H.T. Cox, N.C. Keyes, A.C. Keyes,W.S. Martin, M.M. Palmer, Thomas Scott, and J.J. Williams.
School Resources