School Name: Independence/Britt Taylor School
School District Number: #007
Township: Twn42N Range: Rng15W Section: SecXX
Latitude: 38.xxxxxx °N Longitude: -92.xxxxxx °W
School Photo
School Information:
Date Started: Date Closed:
School Registers:
Teachers: Judge Jenkins lists the following teachers for the early years of the school:
1874-75 |
Samuel Allen |
1889-90 |
W. E. Allen |
1875-76 |
James A. Allen |
1890-91 |
Maggie Boyce |
1876-78 |
James F. Etter |
1891-92 |
Lissa Stayton |
1878-79 |
Lucy E. Taylor |
1892-93 |
T. M. Silvey |
1879-80 |
Noland Taylor |
1893-94 |
Will H. Strong |
1880-81 |
W. O. Martin |
1894-95 |
James A. Adcock |
1881-82 |
Lois Allen |
1895-96 |
Burlie Wilson |
1882-83 |
John Barnard |
1896-97 |
C. M. Callahan |
1883-84 |
Mattie Stone |
1897-98 |
J. A. Adcock |
1884-85 |
M. Josie Lumpkin |
1898-00 |
Dion Clark |
1885-86 |
Wm. Alexander |
1900-01 |
John E. Raines |
1886-87 |
Sallie Wilson |
1887-88 |
John R. Gunn |
1888-89 |
Lula Parks |
Resident Taxpayers in 1871:
Allen Anderson, Jas. A. Anderson, James Anderson, G.M. Bandy, Collier Brown, Alex Blair, Chas. Chamberlain, Vincent Cumer, Geo. Clark Sr., J.B. Clark, G.W. Etter, W. Houston, P. Houston, A.M. Houston, G.W. Hays, Jno. S. Jobe, Henry Jobe, James Jemphrey, S. McCommons, T.S. Moon, J.W. Myers, Sarah Routon, H.C. Lacy, J.B. Taylor, J.D. Taylor, J.C. Turner, Elizabeth Turner, and Wm. Woodford.
School Resources