Thompson Family Cemetery, Brazito, MO

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Thompson Family Cemetery, Brazito, MO Wide angle view of the Thompson Family Cemetery on the Terry Carrender Farm near Brazito, MO. The eastern white pine trees, once native to central Missouri, are the gift of Alan & Mary Wright. They were planted circa 2006 by a tree farm located at Herman, MO. They were transported by tractor trailer truck and planted by use of a Bobcat tractor with attachment to dig the large holes necessary for planting. The pines form a circle around the entire original cemetery as marked by concrete pylons placed circa 1910. Pine straw will eventually eliminate most of the need for weed control. Now 20+ feet tall, the pines have more than doubled their original size as of 2017. The cattle guards were necessarily placed to keep cattle from damaging the newly planted trees. However in order to keep a neat and clean appearance of the cemetery, they will likely have to become a permanent fixture. Since it is a working farm, cattle would otherwise use the location for shade and other purposes. Contextual painting of the cattle guards will be necessary.