School Name: Reed School
School District Number: #067
Township: Twn39N Range: Rng15W Section: Sec14
Latitude: 38.109800 °N Longitude: -92.533200 °W
School Photo
School Information:
Date Started: Date Closed:
School Registers:
Teacher's Register: 1935-1937
Teachers: Judge Jenkins lists the following teachers for the early years of the school:
1894-95 |
Edith E. Perry |
1895-96 |
Bertha Russell |
1896-97 |
J. A. Brockman |
1897-99 |
Dora Bear |
1899-00 |
Chas. E. Howell |
1900-01 |
Edward M. Graham |
Later teachers included:
1935-38 |
Opal L. Carnes |
1938-39 |
John Shockley |
Resident Taxpayers in 1894:
Wesley Bilyeu, Samuel Brown, William Craft, Geo. W. Curry, David Christian, J.M. Hickman, J.W. Hickman, C.S. Hickman, E.B. Hickman, Silas Hagerman, Alex Hall, G.W. Haddox, Clay Jeffries, Lewis Miller, Wm. McNew, Calvin McNew, Emanuel Lett, Sumner Lett, M.T. O’Dowd, L.P. Payne, George Phillips, Melvina Phillips, Lazarus Phillips, G.B. Phillips, Isaac Phillips, R.L.Ramsey, Andrew Robinett, George W. Reed, S.M. Robinson, Elizabeth Reed, Sherman Robinett, Robert Robinett, James Robinson, John Winget, and John Wallace.
School Resources